MOUSETRAP RACE è una gara internazionale per vetture di piccole dimensioni alimentate esclusivamente da un meccanismo simile a quello delle trappole per topi. Le piccole auto da corsa spinte dal meccanismo delle trappole per topi, sono poco
conosciute in Europa, ma vengono invece utilizzate in alcune scuole superiori americane
per permettere agli studenti di applicare le proprie conoscenze di fisica.
May 2nd - 3th, 2025
Mr Marco Casiraghi and the Monaco Mousetrapcar Grand Prix Committee, have taken the decision to extend the virtual edition also for this year. The 2021 MONACO MOUSETRAP CAR GRAND PRIX Edition will be performed online.
Use a standard mousetrap to build a small model of a car, the car must be able to move once the trap is triggered;
Upload by the 31st of May a short video of max 90 seconds maximum on your Instagram page and tag us;
Add the following hashtags if you like #monacomousetrap, #monacomousetrap2021, #monacomousetrapvirtualedition.
We will repost each video on our instagram on the 8th of June;
Voting will be closed at midnight of the 15th of June.
The video with the greatest number of likes on our instagram by will be the winner;
The winners, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will receive a mousetrap polo shirt and a cash price of up to €100,00 in the form of an Amazon gift card.
In the hope that this calamity will end soon, we would like to transmit to all of you our best wishes, to you and to all your loved ones, to go beyond this moment in good health.
We look forward to seeing you in Monaco for the next edition!